布拉德利Szubryt ?26







神经科学 和 Psychology



布拉德利Szubryt ’26, a recipient of the Highest 荣誉 Scholarship, is a double major in 神经科学心理学 辅修了 宗教. With 宗教 being a big part of his life, Bradley is glad to be involved in a faith community on campus. He is a student worker for Carthage’s Center of Faith 和 Spirituality, a frequent participant of 跨信仰午餐, 和 founder of Bible on Tap, a student group that meets weekly to discuss faith.

Bradley is also a participant in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. He is continuing his research with Professor Sara O’Brien 和 exploring the role of incompleteness in predicting OCD symptoms.

learn about the summer undergraduate research experience


“I had a gut feeling Carthage was where I belonged. I trusted my gut, 和 I am proud I did.”

布拉德利Szubryt, ’26


“There are tons of great faculty here who have helped me out a lot. They all tolerate my endless questions in class 和 help out when I ask for it. I have found that teachers will always make time for you outside of class hours. I love all the faculty but especially professors 保罗·马蒂诺 和萨拉·奥布莱恩. They are here for me whenever I need 和 give me great advice. We’ve had numerous insightful discussions, 和 they have helped me personally 和 in my educational endeavors.”


“My j项 class was by far my favorite. We went scuba diving for a week in Honduras 和 then explored mainl和 Honduras for another three days. I had so many insightful conversations with our teachers 和 the people joining us on the trip, 和 got to meet 和 bond with my peers. I have so many special stories from this trip that I will hold on to for the rest of my life.”

Campus involvement

“I co-founded Carthage’s chapter of 最好的伙伴 和 am currently the co-president. Additionally, I co-founded the Clinical Psychology Club 和 am the president of this club. I am also a member of the 足球俱乐部, 特殊奥林匹克运动会, Enactus, 心理俱乐部, 和 跨信仰午餐. I’m involved in so much but love being a part of each organization because I get to see the friends I’ve made at each gathering.”

Golden opportunities

“I am loosely associated with the Neurophysiology Lab 和 plan to prioritize it more next semester. I got into the SURE program to continue my research with Prof. O’Brien, 和 I am one of the two psych fellows.”


“I want to be a clinical psychologist or, in other words, a therapist.”

Favorite spot on campus

“There are so many good spots on campus. I have a bunch of homework spots or places I go to call friends 和 family, but I think sitting out by has got to be my favorite.”


“Our last 最好的伙伴 meeting this year was a special one to me. The weather was beautiful, so we played bags, giant Jenga, Uno, 和 volleyball outside The Tower. It was special not only because of the weather 和 activities, but because I made an effort to enjoy the event. 正常情况下, I am running around, 管理, 和 making sure everything is running smoothly, but at that meeting, I just got to hangout. I really enjoyed it.”

“The Champion’s League game this year is another one of my top memories. Instead of just playing pickup, the Carthage 足球俱乐部 organized a full 11v11 with referees 和 used a scoreboard. It was so much fun playing competitively with friends 和 family in the st和s.”


“Don’t just look at your notes, try to organize them into what is important in a study guide.”

Best tip for making friends

“Get involved 和 make an effort. Getting involved is one of the most overused statements, but it is for a reason. If you don’t find a club that matches your interests, you can always make one yourself.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“My eight-year-old self would think I am a beast. I feel like he would admire the goals I have decided to tackle in my career/studies, but most importantly, he would also be very proud of me for breaking out of my shell, 参与, 和 making so many amazing friends.”